“On the Web-based Shadow IoT Gateway Development – A Case Study with Age-Friendly PWA Game(Web為基礎之物聯網影子閘道研發–以高齡友善PWA遊戲為例)”,
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 107-2221-E-030-013-MY2), August 2018 – July 2020.
“On the Cross-platform Age-Freiendly Location-based Games(跨平台高齡友善適地性遊戲之研發)”,
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 106-2221-E-030-022 -), NT$500,000, August 2017 – July 2018.
“On the Development of Sleep Assisted Walking/Jogging Game with Wearable Devices(穿戴式睡眠輔助走跑遊戲之研發)”,
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 104-2221-E-030-013-), August 2015 – July 2016.
“On the Development a SPA-based Sleep Aided Exercise Description Service(使用SPA技術建構輔助睡眠之運動處方籤服務)”,
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 103-2221-E-030 -019), August2014 – July 2015.
“Responsive Cross Mobile Platform SleepServices based on HTML5 II (睡眠障礙診斷,居家照護及輔助治療的研究-子計畫三:基於HTML5的跨行動平台響應式睡眠服務II)”,
National ScienceCouncil (NSC102-2218-E-030-003), August2013 – July 2014.
Principal Investigator
“Responsive Cross Mobile Platform SleepServices based on HTML5 (睡眠障礙診斷,居家照護及輔助治療的研究-子計畫三:基於HTML5的跨行動平台響應式睡眠服務)”,
National ScienceCouncil (NSC101-2221-E030-009), August2012 – July 2013.
Principal Investigator
“On the Security of Integrated SleepService (睡眠服務整合與安全之研究)”,
National Science Council (NSC100-2218-E030-005), August 2011 – July 2012.
Principal Investigator
“The information platform of sleep and memory in the elderly community (社區老年人睡眠與記憶評量之資訊平台建置: 原居老化-老年醫療照護資通訊平台的發展與應用)”,
FuJen Catholic University (109931031002-5), August 2010 - July2013.
Co-Principal Investigator
“On the Security of Integrated HomecareSleep Service: a Case Study with Mobile Social and Virtual World Environment (居家睡眠服務整合與安全之研究: 以行動社交及虛擬世界環境為例)”,
National ScienceCouncil (NSC99-2220-E030-005), August2010 – July 2011.
Principal Investigator
“Design and implementation of an uID middleware for smart life (UID智慧型生活中介軟體層之服務平台建置-總計畫)”,
National Science Council (NSC98-2220-E-030-002-), August 2009 – July 2010.
Co-Principal Investigator
“On the Entity ID Authentication and Authorization among Mashup Services: A case study with Mobile Cloud and Virtual World Environment (混搭服務中實體ID認證授權之研究: 以行動雲端及虛擬世界環境為例)”,
National Science Council (NSC98-2220-E-030-004), August 2009 – July 2010.
Principal Investigator
“The study of use open source code system environment to construct a high availability system method (運用開放原始碼系統環境建立高可靠度系統方法的研究)”,
Institute of Information Industry, (96)資創約字0914號, August 2007 – May 2009.
Co-Principal Investigator
“Web Computing(網際網路計算與處理)” ,
教育部96-97年度資通訊課程推廣計畫, December 2007- January 2009.
Principal Investigator
“Trustworthy and Adaptive Medical Community Management”(可信賴與適性的醫療社群管理之研究),
Fu Jen Catholic University , August 2007 – July 2010.
Principal Investigator
“Reputation Evaluation in Online Social Network Community: A Case Study of E-Learning 2.0”(線上社交網路社群之信譽評價研究: 以E-Learning 2.0為例),
National Science Council (NSC 96-2221-E-030-016) , August 2007 – July 2008.
Principal Investigator
“Web2.0 Value Added Tagging Services”(Web2.0標籤加值服務之研究-總計劃),
Fu Jen Catholic University, (研究生-409531040122), April 2007 – March 2008.
Principal Investigator
“Design of Highly Efficient & Reliable Home Service Gateway Systems(高效率既可靠家庭服務閘道系統之設計 -3/3)”,
National Science Council (NSC95-2745-E-030-005), August 2005 – July 2007.
Co-Principal Investigator
“E-Learning 2.0 Environment Setup and Experiment: Web 2.0 Technologies and Applications(新世代E-Learning2.0創意教學建置與實驗: Web2.0技術與應用) 輔仁大學創意教學計畫)",
September 2006 – January 2007.
Principal Investigator
“Design of Highly Efficient & Reliable Home Service Gateway Systems(高效率既可靠家庭服務閘道系統之設計 -2/3)”,
National Science Council (NSC93-2745-E-030-005), August 2005 – July 2006.
Co-Principal Investigator
“On the Peer-to-Peer Community and Resource Replication Mechanism(同儕網路社群與資源複製機制之研究)”,
National Science Council (NSC94-2213-E-030-013), August 2005 – July 2006
Principal Investigator
“Design of Highly Efficient & Reliable Home Service Gateway Systems(高效率既可靠家庭服務閘道系統之設計 -1/3)”,
National Science Council (NSC93-2745-E-030-005), August 2004 – July 2005
Co-Principal Investigator
An Interoperable Platform based on Peer-to-Peer Web Services
National Science Council (NSC92-2422-H-030-0194), March 2003 – February 2004.
Principal Investigator
Design and Evaluation on a Jini-based Mobile Application Gateway - 3/3
National Science Council (NSC89-2745-P-030-004), December 2002 - November 2003.
Principal Investigator
Develop a Personalized Digital Museum
National Science Council (NSC91-2422-H-030-0204), June 2002 – May 2003.
Principal Investigator
Design and Evaluation on a Jini-based Mobile Application Gateway - 2/3
National Science Council (NSC89-2745-P-030-004), December 2001 - November 2002.
Principal Investigator
Caching Service on WAP Push Proxy Gateway
National Science Council (NSC90-2213-E-030-004), August 2001 - July 2002.
Principal Investigator
Develop a Digital Museum with Platform Indepenndent and Wireless Internet Technologies
National Science Council (NSC90-2750-H-030-093), June 2001 - May 2002.
Principal Investigator
Design and Evaluation on a Jini-based Mobile Application Gateway
National Science Council (NSC89-2745-P-030-004), December 2000 - November 2001.
Principal Investigator
Design and Implementation on a High Performance WAP Push Proxy Gateway
National Science Council (NSC89-2218-E-030-001), August 2000 - July 2001.
Principal Investigator
Introduction to NII
Ministry of Education, Communication System Education Enhancement, (89-通訊-教材-44), August 1999 - July 2000.
Principal Investigator
Design and Construct a WAP-based Campus Information System
National Center for High-Performance Computing, January 2000 - June 2000.
Co-Principal Investigator
Java Virtual Machine Testbed Design and Evaluation
National Science Council (NSC89-2213-E-030-001), August 1999 - July 2000.
Principal Investigator
Development and Evaluation on Aglet-Based Push Environment
National Science Council (NSC88-2213-E-030-002), August 1998 - July 1999.
Principal Investigator
Research on WWW-based CAI Servers Development Techniques
National Science Council (NSC88-2815-C-030-001-E), November 1998 - June 1999.
Servlet Management on Java Intranet Servers
National Science Council (NSC87-2213-E-030-008), August 1997 - July 1998.
Principal Investigator
Research on WWW-based CAI Servers Design
National Science Council (NSC87-2815-C030-014-E), July 1997 - December 1997.
Applet Based Development Tools for CAI
National Science Council (NSC86-2213-E-030-005), August 1996 - July 1997.
Principal Investigator
Building a Departmental Administration Management System on WWW
SVD, Fu Jen Catholic University, August 1995 - July 1996, with Dr. Jenn-Inn Hwang.
Co-Principal Investigator
Research on Evaluation of Distributed Object Systems
National Science Council (NSC86-2815-C030-001-E), July 1996 - December 1996.
Scheduling Real-time Multimedia Tasks on Distributed Systems
National Science Council (NSC85-2213-E-030-003), August 1995 - July 1996.
Principal Investigator
Research on ATM Network Flow Monitoring
National Science Council (NSC85-2815-C030-01-014E), July 1995 - December 1995.
Local Area Networks
Ministry of Education, Communication System Education Enhancement, (85-通訊-教材-40), August 1995 - July 1996.
Principal Investigator
Select the Software-Fault Tolerant Mechanism for Real-time Distributed System from Reliability Prediction
National Science Council (NSC84-2213-E-030-001), August 1994 - July 1995.
Principal Investigator
Distributed Systems
Ministry of Education, Computer System Education Enhancement, (84-5-E-040), August 1994 - July 1995.
Principal Investigator
Computer Networks
Ministry of Education, Communication System Education Enhancement, (84-5-F-037),August 1994 - July 1995.
Principal Investigator
Research Project
This section introduces the Projects in WecoLab . You can select the topic in the following list: